Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Having Trouble on High to Low Shots. Last Minute Tips Before Tryouts

Question: Hi my name is Andrew,
I am a high school goalie and tryouts are just around the corner. I am playing in some games and camps but i want to get an edge on the other goalies. I live in minnesota so its kinda hard to get a lot of shots right now. I seam to strugle with high to low shots more so than any other shots. Do you have any tips or tricks to give me to help me befor tryouts? Any advice would be greatly apreciated.
thank you so much

Andrew you're on the right track. Shots, shots, and more shots are going to help you at this point so keep that going.

Without seeing you play I'm guessing that when you read the stick you are anticipating the ball going high and are probably either up on your feet or leaning a bit. Your weight is headed upwards, so when the ball actually comes low you've got to now redirect all that weight and get it going down. By then it's too late.

Try to get out the video camera and see what you're doing. Get the shooter in the frame and you in the frame and slow it down. Watch what you're doing just as the ball is released. Are you patient? Leaning? Standing up? Take a look.

The other thing to keep in mind is that you don't need to do too much with the body to save high shots. If you didn't move your body at all you could probably get a hand to the ball to make the save. What this should tell you is that you don't have to be so aggressive to the upper shots. Stay patient.

Last tip. Concentrate on moving OUT to the high shots. Not UP. If you focus on moving out, laterally to the ground, you won't have so far to move if you are in fact guessing and guess wrong.

Hope that helps. Let me know if you need clarification.

Jonathan - The Goalie Guru