Thursday, February 26, 2009

Can You Fix A Soft Mesh Pocket So It Throws Better?

> Well john, i'm a freshman and i got a goalie question.
> I got a nemesis head with soft mesh (biggest mistake of my life)
> and i need to know how i can work with it. I love how it catches
> honestly, it seems to work well for me, but anytime i throw i
> get a lip. Right now i got three shooters to work with. I'm sure
> you'll say to get hard mesh but i'm working on that and no local
> area place has it. I've tried everything i can think of, from
> placing one on the top diamond and a shooter one diamond down
> from that, but i still seem to get a horrible lip!
> Could you please help me cause my season is starting soon! Thanks!
> PS - I'm strong and i got 6 inch pocket.
> Thanks!

Answer: Oh man. You need hard mesh. Go to and just order one online. You'll have it in a couple of days.

In the meantime, tighten up the sidewall lacing from the top to about half way down the head. You're going to want to put the pocket more to the bottom of the head. Not the middle. This should help.

Also, space out your shooting strings. Maybe 2 diamonds apart. Keep the top one super tight. The second one about two down from that, and so on.

Lastly. Tighten up the pocket as a whole. So move the string at the throat up a few notches and get rid of the bag.

These will help with your release. But it will drastically change how the pocket works. It will be much shallower. But with a soft mesh pocket there is not much you can do. I've heard kids trying to spray paint. Oil. Etc. Nothing really works. Also, have you gotten it wet yet? Because when that happens it's going to tighten up like a tennis racket. That won't be fun when that happens.

Wish I could give you more advice but it's a tough one you've got to deal with. Good luck and let me know what you do and how it turns out.

Jonathan - The Goalie Guru