Question: Jonathan,
My son is just starting his junior year in HS, now in his 2nd year of varsity. He is interested in playing Lacrosse in college, and he is an excellent athlete and player (I'm completely objective here, of course!). I read your answer in a past column about scholarships and how hard they are to come by. My question: is there any value in these organizations which 'market' a HS player to colleges? They typically offer to produce a highlights video and get the player noticed by prospective college coaches. What are your recommendations for my son?
Answer: Jeff thanks for the question. A couple of years ago I heard a coach say, "If the kid had just called me I might have payed attention."
I think there is a lot to be said for the act of seeking out teams and coaches who you want to play for. It's like applying for a job, the candidate who has done his research and actively seeks employment with a company that he knows something about is much more valuable than some shmoe with a resume.
I'm not a big fan of those companies that market young athletes. I'm all for delegating work to people who can do it better than you. But lacrosse in many ways is still a small sport. It's a big sport, don't get me wrong, but it still has small roots.
I'd rather see your son pick some schools he really wants to go to. Then find out if those schools has coaches he really wants to play for. And then contact those coaches. He may very well get thrown in the pile and get a ton of form letters. He has to get past all that and make some contact. One of the best ways is to go to some camps where those coaches will be. Introduce himself. Etc.
In the marketing world there is an understanding that it takes at least seven advertisements before a prospect pays attention. The first time they aren't listening. After the fourth or fifth time they begin to notice. And after the seventh time the prospect actually pays attention and remembers. I think if you take that approach you'll do ok.
Recruiting is a very strange game. My answer to any kid who wants to play in college is to be so good that they can't help but notice. Your son is probably not in that position. But I think there are some great lessons to be learned by going out there and getting to meet some of those coaches personally.
Now many, if not all, of his lacrosse peers will NOT be taking this approach. Isn't that the point? He's got to stand out. Have him do his research. Don't go in blind.
With all that being said...I'm a big fan of the walk on. I always believed that I could make any team I had the chance to tryout for. If he gets no notice. No interest. But he ends up at a school he wants to be at, and he want's to play, he'll make it. And that's the best lesson of all.
Stay in touch. Let me know how the process goes and if I can help at all just contact me through my blog.
Good luck to your son.
Jonathan -