Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Interesting Question About Clamping The Lacrosse Ball for Goalies

Ok I got this question from a sixth grader named Mike. The question was, "How does hard mesh in a new goalie stick affect clamping?"

Hmm...Can't say I've ever really thought of this. Here is my answer:

Mike clamping the ball is the last thing you should be worrying about.

This is an interesting question and not one I've ever received before so it's made me have to think a little bit.

When you clamp the ball your goal is to gain control of the ball, rake it into the crease (if it's outside) and get the ball into your stick. My experience tells me that brand new hard mesh would not be an issue. What is more of an issue is if your top shooting string is too loose then the ball gets hung up on the plastic when you go to rake the ball.

That would be more of an issue. Otherwise, hard mesh has way too many benefits over soft mesh, and I would never recommend going with soft mesh so you could clamp the ball better.

Clamping on a list of priorities goes something like this:

1) Stopping the ball.
2) Catching the ball.
3) Throwing the ball.
4) Cradling the ball. (You an throw a ball without ever having to cradle)

and way down on the end of the list would be clamping. It's really an afterthought to so many other priorities.

Great question though mike. It brings up an important point I'd like to make. Don't focus on the little things. Focus on the big things. I'm going to guess that you're a pretty analytical kid who likes to have all the answers. I was like you as well at that age so I'd like to tell you that you're on the way to doing great things in this game. But at your age there are soooo many other things to be focusing on. Like your strength. Your visualization. And your stick skills among others. It is rare in a game that you have the time (or need) to stand over the ball clamping it to the ground. It does come in handy around the crease. But stay focused on the big things buddy! Hope this helps. Let me know how it goes.
