Ok, I just got a question from a goalie. Basically, someone told him that he should be able to do a front split and that good goalies can do front splits.
This has to be one of the most retarded things I have ever heard.
No, you should not be able to do a front split. This is not a good goal to seek if you want to be a great goalie as there a thousand of other things you should be working in.
A couple of things: Flexibility for flexibilities sake is not a goal worth seeking. Now strength and explosive power over a large range of motion is. There is a difference. One means that you have the pliability of a piece of Play Doh. The other means you have the stored strength of an elastic band. One is like overdone spaghetti. The other is an explosive tool just ready to stop lacrosse balls.
Man, I'd rather see you squat a ton. Or learn how to do the Olympic lifts.
A front split. Sheesh. What next? Dumbass.
Sorry I'm a bit grumpy tonight. It's 2 am.