Thursday, June 26, 2008

Finding Good Used Lacrosse Equipment

Question: Josh from Rhode Island asks what equipment he should buy and where can he find it cheap.

Answer: Hey Joshua. You're going to love being a goalie. Especially since you've already played and shot on other goalies. That experience will help you a ton.

As far as tips go, there are a ton of tips that I've written here, but there are also sixty articles on my blog at They will help you a ton.

As far as good-but-cheap equipment I'd recommend looking on Ebay. Kajiji. And Those are great places to look for used stuff. I would go online to a place like and look at the Warrior goalie equipment. Then see if you can get it used somewhere.

To places not to cheap out. Your stick. And your gloves. You want good gloves that will protect your thumbs. I would go with the Superfreaks by Warrior for goalies. As for a stick I like the STX Eclipse with a 10 or 12 diamond hard mesh.

If you start there you will be well on your way. Good luck!

Jonathan -