Saturday, December 29, 2007

4 Weeks Till "Go Time. What Can I Do!


Coach I've got 4 weeks untill conditioning starts. i'm in eighth grade and I'm not that great a goalie. What can I do to get ready. Any tips, drills, suggestions would be appreciated.


Matt my best advice is to get a stick in your handa a soon as possible.

Now I'm not sure if you've played lacrosse before. But whether you have or haven't my advice will still be the same.
1) Get a goalie stick in your hand and start throwing. Throw every day. I don't care if it's cold out, find a wall and start throwing. You need to get your confidence up and getting your stick skills better will help.

2) Start working out to get your body in shape. If your body is in shape your mind will be as well. You'll feel more confident and you'll play better.
3) Read everything you can here and on my blog at Read everything you can on goaltending. This will give you a chance

4) If you can, have a buddy shoot on you daily. This might be difficult I know but it's better than nothing. Have him take twenty shots in a row to a spot on the cage. Work on moving properly to he ball. Have him shootall those shots in a row, you're trying to work on seeing the ball and moving properly. You'll have plenty of time and shots later but if you can do this on thing even once a week it will help.

5) Get plenty of equipment to protect you. This is a very important step. It's important you are protected so make sure you have the right equipment before they throw you to the wolves in practice.

Hope that helps Matt. Email me if you've got any more questions at

Good luck!

Jonathan Edwards